What we do?
"Protect life, property and the environment"
Since August 15, 1945 we have provided a fire and rescue service to the community, growing from two to eight.
Starting 2009 we have been providing an EMS service.

- Clear a background check.
- Take basic training, 102 hour course in fire fighting provided by the University of Maryland and paid by the company.
- Attend a total of 50 'events' in two categories a year (eg fire call, meetings, drills, fundraisers)
- EMS:
- Take basic training, 131 hour course in EMT provided by the University of Maryland and paid by the company.
- Volunteer on the ambulance at least two times a month, and attend a total of 20 events.
- Cadets:
- Over the age of 14, obtain all grade c or above in school.
Full polices are included in our bylaws, but include:
Must be 18yrs of age (14 for cadets)
Live in the 'prescribed fire district' of Showell
Meet the residency requirements of the company, and be able to do physical activity
Your application will be reviewed by the board of directors and you will be asked to an interview. If you are of good moral character you will be accepted into a 12 month period of probation.
Regular monthly meetings are held at 7:00pm on the first and third Tuesday in each month Sept thru May and on the first Tuesday at 7:30pm June thru August.
Regular monthly drills are held at 7pm on the second and forth Tuesday in each month Sept thru May and one drill on the second Tuesday at 7:00pm June thru August.
Regular monthly work details will be held on the third Tuesday of every month after the regulary scheduled meeting, or called by the President or Chief